Once I purchased my reusable sacs I was ready to hit the stores. I carried my reusable sacs with me in my purse so that I was ready at any moment. I successfully carried out an everyday European task and shopped with the locals at open air markets, Carrefour and Auchan. I was even able to resolve a discrepancy at the grocery store when I was charged for an item I did not purchase. I promptly received a reimbursement and an apology. Not bad for a foreigner eh?
Going to the grocery in France is more of a pleasure than a chore. To start, in France the grocery store is called “Le Supermarché”. It already sounds like you are going some place fabulous just by saying it with your best French accent.
When you enter le supermarché you are surrounded by sights and scents that are brilliant yet unfamiliar. You stroll down aisle after aisle of wonderful foods. It is difficult to resist touching and picking up everything that catches your eye. It is like a carnival for your senses.
I was especially smitten when I arrived at the tea aisle. There were teas from different parts of Europe and flavors that you can not purchase in the United States. It was confusing to know just how many boxes would fit into my suitcase. So, I did what any other girl would do. I loaded up my cart and worried about how to fit it into my suitcase later.
Actually living my dream of going to le supermarché in France is just another day in my European Style Life.
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